Herald - Issue 460

Page 36 • The HERALD • 11th July 2024 v SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL EVENTS v DECORATING Interior and Exterior Established 1985 07867 528307 mark.blake.decorating@gmail.com Chris Hopkins Painting, Decorating, Carpentry, Tiling Free Estimates Photographs & references available on request Telephone: 023 8081 5210 Mobile: 07986 806277 Lordshill Youth Project Celebrates 25 Years of Community Impact e Lordshill Youth Project (LYP) marked a signi cant milestone, celebrating its 25th anniversary with an event on 10th June that brought together community members, volunteers, and distinguished guests, including the Lord Mayor of Southampton, Councillor David Shields. e event, held at the LYP’s centre-based hub, was a heartfelt tribute to the dedication and hard work of those who have supported the project since its inception in 1999. Founding trustees, including Ian Stickland, Rev. Shirley Smith, and Paul Boulton, were honoured for their pioneering e orts alongside Darryl Saxton, who has been a cornerstone of the project for 25 years. Current trustees now include Beth Bray and Caroline Stickland, and Jack Deyes was recognised for his work over the past ve years in the project’s social media. Ian Stickland, speaking on behalf of the trustees, volunteers, and partner organisations, highlighted the project’s evolution, and enduring principles and that in that time over £0.75m had been invested in young people in the Lordshill area. e celebration featured a very powerful lm from young people involved in the project sharing how it felt to live in Southampton, their future ambition and their views on the importance of youth work. Madeleine Durie, CEO of Youth Options qualified with a company called Globis, it was here that I first met Clive Lewis. Clive was the CEO of Globis. I quickly came to understand that Clive was no ordinary CEO, he was no ordinary man, he was an incredible influence over many people in his field of work and beyond. Clive also founded a charity called Bridge Builders, which focused on establishing significant mentoring relationships between young people. This relationship and Clive’s influence and writing 17 books, paid it forward in many high-conflict situations over subsequent years.” Clive passed away in 2023, and his daughter Liz, son Jonathan and Andrea, the Mum of Liz and Jonathan were at this celebration to share their personal tribute to their Dad. e legacy of Bridge Builders has passed to LYP to establish an award program in Southampton for young people. is is being set up at this moment and will align with a very similar approach to Bridge Builders. e Lord Mayor of Southampton, Councillor David Shields, shared his powerful re ections from the celebration and recognised the work of LYP and Youth Options. e event concluded with a toast to the project’s future, a cutting of the celebratory cake, and a BBQ with the young people and Youth options team in the evening. shared an update on the relationship with LYP. e Clive Lewis Memorial Award was launched during the event, aimed at enhancing social mobility for young people in the area and Southampton more broadly. Ian shared an emotional tribute to Clive Lewis, explaining his personal connection: “You may have noticed in your invitation that we are going to share details of something that is new, very special and means much to LYP. For context, around 10 years ago, I was asked by my previous company - to be externally qualified as a Workplace and Employment Mediator. I Over 500 fans of Take at took advantage of special late-night boats laid on by Hythe Ferry to get home a er two concerts at Southampton’s St. Mary’s Stadium. e operation was a great success with the large numbers of excited passengers being handled smoothly. e Ferry management and operating sta must be complemented in the professional manner in which the large numbers were accommodated. Take at fan Anne Drummond of Butts Ash and her friend Jane Wells from Black eld were two satis ed passengers. Anne said: “The late ferries made the night; so much easier than navigating the roads out of Southampton and along the often tedious A326.” Local ferry historian Alan Titheridge said: “I’m not a Take That fan so didn’t use it, but my wife and her friend did. That they and hundreds of others could and did, shows that despite its problems in recent years, the Hythe Ferry is still an asset to the Waterside community and plays an important role in the local transport infrastructure” Hythe Ferry Operations Manager, Sath Hythe Ferry – Take That Specials Naidoo re ecting on the special service said: “How wonderful it was to see so many people having a lovely time at the Take That concerts, using the Hythe Ferry to get to and from the event. Our late boats have been a huge success.” Take That fans Anne Drummond (left) and Jane Wells on board Hythe Scene Cutting the cake from right to left - Paul Boulton, Shirley Smith, Ian Stickland & Darryl Saxton. Thank You to Some Local Heroes! Nick Hodshon would like to express his thanks to some lovely people in the community that have helped him recently. Nick had taken a phone call at home, having realised he may have been scammed, he called his bank straight away to stop his account and he was told to cut up his bank card. Needing some supplies Nick walked to the Langdown Tesco Express store, at the checkout he was unable to pay for his shopping using his cheque book, so he le the store empty handed. As he was walking away a member of sta called him back and told him that the lady behind him in the queue had paid for his shopping for him. Nick tried to give the lady a cheque for the money but she declined, saying that she hoped if her Grandad was ever in a similar situation that someone would do the same for him. e lady was called Mia and had a small boy with her – Thank you to Mia for your kindness and generosity. A couple of weeks later Nick was on his way to e Herald to ask us to thank Mia on his behalf, he unfortunately had a fall in Hythe on his way to the o ce. Local couple Bugsy and Annie were passing by and helped Nick up from the ground and then took him for a co ee to check he was ok. - Thank you to Bugsy and Annie for helping Nick and being so kind to him. OUT AND ABOUT WITH THE RSPB Members of the New Forest local group of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds welcome you to join them for a guided Birdwatching Beginner’s Evening at Keyhaven Marshes on Friday 12th July from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, meeting at the harbour sea wall (SZ 306 915). For further information please email: NewForestGroup@ RSPB.org.uk or visit: group.rspb.org.uk/ newforest/. Please wear suitable dull coloured clothing and sturdy footwear. Nonmembers are currently charged £5 per indoor meeting and eld trip.