30th January 2025 • The HERALD • Page 47 v SEND ALL YOUR NEWS TO THE HERALD v KIDS ZONE Services offered: Private Tuition Home-Schooling Alternative Provision Exam Entry Coaching and Mentoring Phone: 07751 083447 Email: office@stgeorgeseducation.com Website: www.stgeorgeseducation,com Family Fun on a Budget this Half Term In a blink of an eye the February half term holiday will soon be upon us! With budgets stretched this year here are 10 wallet friendly ideas to keep your little ones entertained. 1. Check out your local library’s website, there are o en free or low cost activities run by library sta over the school holidays and of course whilst you are there why not borrow some books to read later in the week! To nd your local library and nd out what events they are running please visit: www.hants.gov. uk/librariesandarchives/library 2. Grab your wellies and head out into the forest or to the beach and try completing a nature scavenger hunt, looking for di erent plants, wildlife etc, there are lots of free ones available to download online or why not set up your own. 3. Pop into e Herald o ce, there are lots of free walking maps available for walks in the local area, give your little ones the map and see if they can navigate for you! 4. Have a walk at Bolderwood Deer Sanctuary (SO43 7GQ) to see if you can spot some deer. 5. Pop along to the New Forest Heritage Centre in Lyndhurst, entry is free and there are lots of interactive displays and activities in the museum. 6. Try out the Lepe Point Nature Trail, £1.50 per trail available from the Lookout all year round and includes brass rubbings, facts and puzzles on the way round. 7. Check out the Wild play areas at Holbury Manor Woods, Stanford Rise in Sway or Ashurst Recreation ground on Whartons Lane. 8. Visit the animals at Barry’s Farm on Frost Lane in Hythe and check out the recently updated Shore Road play area. 9. Pop along to Patricks Patch in Beaulieu to take a look at the fruit and vegetables growing there. 10. Give Geocaching a try, download an app and o you go! Come along to our ‘New Parent Meet & Connect’ group to connect with other parents and explore sensory activities. ese supportive sessions are perfect for new babies, so parents can share advice and receive signposting, whether you’re a new parent or not! Every Thursday, 11am-12pm, no need to book. Meet and Connect with New Parents at Hythe Library from Hythe Library Guiding Stars and Totton Baby Bundles Go along to Totton and Eling Community Centre on Tuesday mornings, 10.30am–12noon, for Guiding Stars SEND Specialists and Totton Baby Bundles, supporting parents and caregivers in and around Totton. At the sessions you will nd toys and activities, books, baby weighing scales, drinks and snacks, baby and toddler clothing, sensory stories, songs and attention-building sessions led by Guiding Stars and a chance to speak to Guiding Stars about any concerns you have about your child’s development or if you suspect special needs. e sessions are free and there is no need to book. Any questions, please email: susan@compark. co.uk Waterside Climate Action Network Group (WaterCAN) Update from Waterside Climate Action Network Group (WaterCAN) On 17th December WaterCAN members visited New Forest Aquaponics’ newly acquired community tardis like space in Black eld. Consultations are currently underway to discuss ideas about the use of the impressive amount of space available, as well as providing a base for the Waterside Food Project. Please check out Waterside Food Project’s Facebook page for further information and updates. Great news to kick o the New Year. Further good news comes from Hythe Seascouts’ community action project which has collected 10 kilos of aluminium cans! Given the weight of aluminium, that’s an impressive collection, aided perhaps by the festive season! Alongside the welcome contributions from Vibrant Brewery, Black Knowl campsite and local people, this means that the rst skipload has been lled. is is particularly timely in the light of the good news from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where researchers have discovered that mixing aluminium with seawater can generate hydrogen in under 10 minutes! Apparently it can work even quicker when co ee grounds are added! Always heartening when local action anticipates global progress. We’re not looking to collect co ee grounds yet! WaterCAN members were due to meet on 20th January to review progress and plan future activities. Please see our website and Facebook page for an update on future plans. Anticipated activities include the Holbury Manor visit led by Eddie Holtham; a beach clean with Surfers Against Sewage; news about progress with the possible Seagrass project and an update on the Black eld project. WaterCAN member and parish councillor Sean Cullen led a session on Better Budgeting on 20th January at Hythe Community Centre, in partnership with Waterside Community Fund, who donated a £20 Tesco voucher to all participants. Anyone interested in attending future sessions please feel free to contact us or check out the details on our website or Facebook page. Recent conversations have raised the issue of how to dispose of cartons and suggested that people might not be aware of the recycle point in Hythe car park which can be used for the disposal of milk, juice and other cartons. A welcome addition to the waste disposal options available. And nally, on a lighter but positive note for many of us, news that guilt-free chocolate may be on the horizon! Scientists at Aberystwyth University, in collaboration with Sun Bear Biofuture, have discovered a way of producing an alternative to palm oil which has similar properties but without its environmentally damaging e ects. For further news, information and an opportunity to join in the debates, please visit our website: e-voice. org/waterCAN or our Facebook page, or email: watercan2024@gmail.com Valentine’s Live at Lepe Join Lepe Country Park in the Lookout for a Valentine’s Day Live at Lepe event on Friday 14th February, 6.30pm – 9pm. Enjoy a sharing platter for 2 all whilst being serenaded with music from Jo Chilcott. Tickets are £25 per person which includes parking. Pre-booking is essential via the website: www.hants. gov.uk/thingstodo/countryparks/lepe/whats-on