Herald - Issue 443

Page 10 • The HERALD • 13th July 2023 v F @heraldpublishing v FLAT ROOFING SPECIALISTS All Roof Repairs Tel: 023 8184 5632 Mobile: 07880 508415 Email: steve@braithwaiteroo ng.co.uk THE FLAT ROOF SPECIALIST Wet clean or Dry clean • Carpets • Rugs • Upholstery • Cushions • Mattresses • Caravans & Motor Homes Contact Chris for a free estimate and advice. We have full liability insurance 023 8104 0185 07770 792361 clean-u-up@hotmail.com We provide one of the best professional Carpet & Fabric cleaning Systems HANNAH’S ELECTRICS Your Local Female Electrician NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? From simple upgrades to complete house re-wiring - and everything in-between, Hannah’s Electrics is the perfect choice. A trusted tradeswoman with sensible rates covering Southampton, New Forest & Waterside areas CONTACT HANNAH 07585 778136 W: www.hannahs-electrics.co.uk • E: hannahelectrics@gmail.com Like us on Facebook REFURBISHERS ALWAYS TRY TO MEET YOUR BUDGET RELIABLE! EXCELLENT REFERENCES! INSURED! Catalogue of previous works to view Plaster work • Floor & Wall Tiling • Wall removal • Bathroom Design & Fit • Laminate/Wood Flooring • Painting • Insulation • Decking • PVCu Gutter & Fascia OUR HANDYMAN SERVICES • Rubbish clearance • Gutters • Jet washing conservatories, paths and patios • Flat pack assembly • Van removals • NO JOB TOO SMALL • FIXED PRICES • WRITTEN QUOTATIONS P Strus 07414 779083 Email: p.strus7@gmail.com OVER 2K LOCALS ATTENDED THE FIRST EVER NEW FOREST COMEDY FESTIVAL IN MAY/JUNE More than 2,000 people attended the rst ever New Forest Comedy Festival in May and June, where 20 comedy events and workshops ran across several local venues with a huge bill of proli c and local comedic talent. Some of the best headline names in Comedy were presented alongside a live podcast recording, a tribute show and exhibition celebrating Tommy Cooper, a show for children, a national stand-up comedy competition and a course for stand-up comedy beginners. e New Forest Comedy Festival was created as a partnership with Culture in Common, e Attic in Totton, Forest Forge eatre in Ringwood, Hanger Farm Arts Centre in Totton, Forest Arts Centre in New Milton as well as Leicester Square eatre and the Museum of Comedy in London. Culture in Common is a brand new programme creating more opportunities for residents to see and take part in creative activities across the New Forest, supported by Arts Council Working with our partners at The Attic, Forest Forge Theatre, Hanger Farm Arts Centre, Forest Arts Centre and Vibrant Forest Brewery, together with Leicester Square Theatre and the Museum of Comedy ensured a high quality programme that reached parts of the New Forest that rarely get one of the most popular forms of entertainment. I was really surprised and delighted that the Stand-Up workshops for beginners sold out and were so successful that the groups want to continue to meet regularly to write and perform comedy gigs into the future. The festival brought different generations together to address challenging issues of our time with humour and helped us all to feel a bit brighter about the future and the place that we live in - which was a result in my book.” e festival was brought to a close with the nal of the rst New Forest Comedian of the Year held at Hanger Farm Arts Centre, where Sallyann Fellowes was announced as a winner and the remaining competitors head straight for the semi nals of the national New Comedian of the Year competition at Leicester Square eatre. Artist Development and Design at Leicester Square eatre and organiser of New Comedian of the Year competition, David Hardcastle added: “It was great for Leicester Square Theatre to be able to hold heats of the National New Comedian of the Year competition in the New Forest, since we trialled it in York a few years ago. We were delighted that so many local New Forest comedians stepped up to the challenge, especially as, for some, it was their first time on stage - while All the finalists will go through to the quarter finals of the national competition in London in the Autumn.” e idea of New Forest Comedy Festival was born from one man’s mission to bring comedy to Totton, Owner of e Attic at River Studios, Chris Grayston. A er consulting with local residents and venues around the Forest, there was a theme that all wanted to be part of something bigger and let our local community know we are here and what we can provide. He added: “What an amazing turnout! The Attic venue was sold out during the festival for several events, including Richard Herring, Ivo Graham, Vittorio Angelones and the festival all day performances. There is definitely a need for more comedy in the area, and the idea of a festival for the New Forest was to really make an impact. My venue is only so big! Together, as a group of local venues, we were able to really make an impact and get the New Forest community laughing!” Venues across the New Forest were invited to take part in e New Forest Comedy Festival and included: Vibrant Forest Brewery in Hardley, e Dusty Barrel, Hythe, Jubilee Hall, Fawley and the Royal British Legion in Black eld as well as e Attic and Hanger Farm Arts Centre in Totton, Forest Forge eatre in Ringwood and Forest Arts Centre in New Milton. Taproom Manager at Vibrant Forest Brewery Ryan Dack said: “A massive thank you for involving us. From our point of view, it has been a massive success and brought a lot of energy into the local area. We can’t wait to see what you planned next!” Vibrant Forest Brewery hosted the rst performances of Stand Up comedy beginners that had completed the festival course run by Gemma Leader of Above Your Nerve at e Dusty Barrel. Participant Tim Kershaw said: “I wanted to try something new and to meet funny local people and I did. The course was brilliant and more in depth than I thought it would be - the comedy writing remaining places were filled by national and international competitors. England. P r o g r a m m e Director at Culture in Common, Jacqui Ibbotson was delighted with the marked upli in engagement from the community with many new faces showing up, she said: “The first New Forest Comedy Festival was everything Culture in Common hoped it would be. New Forest Comedian of the Year, Sallyann Fellowes Above Your Nerve Participants - The Attic Continued on page 11