Herald - Issue 443

Page 38 • The HERALD • 13th July 2023 v KEEP ACTIVE, KEEP HEALTHY v Health, Beauty &Wellbeing CHIROPODY/PODIATRY 07895 691290 Kerry Grassick BSc (Hons) Podiatry MRCPod KG PODIATRY First Floor, South Street Shopping Centre, Hythe SO45 6EB * LIFT ACCESS * Email: kerrythepodiatrist@gmail.com Speedy Solution in Your Busy Life by Alan Jones, Registered Hypnotherapist We live in a high-speed world and expect everything to happen immediately. Fast food, express service, and instant lifestyle changes. We want quick, easy solutions to our problems, and we want it now! For example, you may have had an unhealthy diet for years and watched a steady increase in weight, but, once you decide to take action, you want a crash diet to get in shape in just days or weeks. And it’s the same with di cult emotions, challenging behaviour, or unwanted habits, you live with the problem for years, then decide to make a change and if it is slow to happen, you get frustrated! So, if you want a fast, easy, and lasting way to make changes in your life without months of appointments, then hypnotherapy can provide the quickest solution. Contact: alan@ alanjoneshypnotherapy.com or call 07786 376980 for information and an appointment. Waterside Cancer Support Centre is there for everyone a ected by cancer. Based at e Grove, opposite Lidl, their volunteers o er a cuppa, a biscuit and a friendly face to chat to. ey’re open Monday to Friday from 10am until 1pm, just drop in to see what they’re about. Cancer Support for All the Family ROVING RAMBLERS If you like to walk, go along and join Roving Ramblers for their twice monthly walks. ey meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, starting at 10am for a 2 to 2½ hour walk. Walks are open to everyone and are a good opportunity to meet new friends, take a friend along or even take your dog with you to enjoy the walk. eir next walks take place: Wednesday 24th July meet at Whitemoor Pond car park, followed by co ee at Forest Park Hotel, Wednesday 9th August meet at Matley car park followed by co ee at the Wildlife Centre, Wednesday 23rd August meet at Millham car park, followed by co ee at High Corner Inn and Wednesday 13th September meet at Hatchett Pond car park, co ee at e Turfcutters Arms. For more details call Phil Butter eld on: 023 8084 5684 or: 07708 582285 or by emailing: cedaro ythe@btinternet.com Waterside Health Walks Everyone is very welcome to go along and join in any of their walks: Thursday 13th July, 3pm, Parc Pale for a 2.7-mile walk; Monday 17th July, 10am, Woodlands for a 2.5-mile walk; Saturday 22nd July, 10.30am, Downton Royal Oak car park for a 5.2-mile walk; Thursday 27th July, 3pm, Pig Bush for a 2.4-mile walk and Monday 31st July, 10am, Beaulieu Road for a 2.6mile walk. Contact Mike Roberts on 023 8084 7461 or 07811 361319 for more information about the Waterside Health Walks group. Living After Loss ‘Living A er Loss’ Bereavement Support Group is provided in Partnership with the Red and Green Practice, Hythe and Black eld Patient Participation Group, Waterside Health Centre. Meet others who have experienced loss, to talk and share in a safe environment. e team, led by Dot Croall, will be on hand to listen, and support you, and provide information on useful resources. Tea, co ee and snacks will be provided, and you are welcome to come and go at any time that suits you. Join them on the 2nd Monday of the month from 2pm to 4pm, at the Lighthouse Community Church, A326, Hardley Green. Please feel free to take a friend or relative along with you. eir next meet up is on Monday 14th August. ey also meet on the 4th Monday of the month at Bethany Gospel Hall, Holbury from 2pm to 4pm. Every Thursday in July and August the group will meet from 2pm to 4pm at e Healthy Haven Garden behind Waterside Health Centre, Beaulieu Road, Hythe. Living A er Loss Summer Fayre is on Monday 31st July, 2pm to 4pm at Bethany Gospel Hall, Holbury. For further information visit: www. LivingA erLoss.co.uk or telephone Dot Croall: 023 8019 6643, email her direct at: dcroall@hotmail.com or email: info@ LivingA erLoss.co.uk The Kettle is Always On Testwood Baptist Church’s monthly Bereavement Café is held in the lounge at M Johnson Family Funeral Directors, 26-28 Commercial Road, Totton. e Café is run on a ‘drop-in’ basis between 1pm and 2.30pm on the second Monday of each month and is not designed to be a counselling session. Visitors to the Café will receive a warm welcome and a supportive environment for re ection and conversation; a place to nd mutual support and encouragement. e kettle is always on with tea, co ee and a variety of cakes (including a glutenfree option) served by a friendly team of volunteers. The next Café session will be on Monday 14th August. For more information, please contact the Church on: 023 8086 0320 or visit: www. testwoodbaptist.org