Herald - Issue 444

3rd August 2023 • The HERALD • Page 19 v F @heraldpublishing v ➢ Emergency roofing call out & repairs ➢ Storm damage ➢ Flat roofs ➢ Tiled roofs ➢ Roof investigations ➢ Roof condition reports ➢ Facsias, Soffits & guttering systems ➢ Insurance works ➢ Asbestos surveys ➢ Planned maintenance ➢ Total building refurbishment ➢ Commercial/dilapidation works ➢ Management & design ➢ All access supplied Emergency Call Out Service Available 023 8073 9259 or 07809 116605 Visit: hampshireroofingservices.co.uk or email us at: admin@hampshireroofingservices.co.uk Hampshire Roofing Services Limited & Property Maintenance JIM GRASSICK Double Glazing Repairs • Locks • Handles • Hinges • Glass Over 40 years experience Tel: 07712 718343 Email: jamesgrassickSO45@gmail.com Put Your Repairs in Safe Hands Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Quality Service Tel: 023 8194 0878 • Mobile: 07710 464093 Email: mark@markparsonsdecorating.co.uk Web: www.markparsonsdecorating.co.uk Interior & Exterior Painting & Decorating Services New President for Hythe Inner Wheel INDOOR ARTS AND CRAFTS MARKET EVERY TUESDAY As well as the very popular Hythe Market held on the High Street, you will also nd an Indoor Arts And Cra s Market every Tuesday in St John’s Church Hall from 9am to 2pm. e indoor market has been running for over 30 years, o ering a wide variety of stalls from local cra ers and sellers. e regular stalls include handmade gi s for babies and children, leatherette goods, hair accessories, jewellery, wool, haberdashery, plants, homemade cakes, preserves and jams, greetings cards, wooden fairy doors and trinket boxes, wind chimes and more! You can also take a break from the shopping whilst you are there and enjoy a hot drink and a bacon bap or slice of cake from the café run by volunteers from St John’s Church. Next time you are in Hythe on market day pop along and take a look! Hythe Inner Wheel’s new President, Jan Hoy, recently received the badge of o ce from the outgoing President Margaret Rowles. As outgoing President, Margaret was presented with the Inner Wheel rose by Margarite Golding, which was launched at the recent Chelsea Flower Show. Hythe Inner Wheel always welcomes new Left to Right: Incoming President Jan Hoy with outgoing President Margaret Rowles and Margaret Rowles receiving the Inner Wheel rose from Margarite Golding members; theymeet on the rst Tuesday of every month (except August) at St Andrew’s Church rooms at 7.30pm. For more information please contact Denise Saunders: denisesaundershq@ gmail.com Handy Trust Free Activities for the Summer Holidays! Over the summer holidays the Handy Trust is running a programme of free activities taking place at the youth clubs in Hythe and Marchwood with a di erent theme each week. Activities include arts, cra s and sports and they also supply a free healthy lunch. Under 10’s must be accompanied by an adult; the whole family are welcome to join in. e week of 7th August is ‘Animals week’, 14th August is ‘Nature week’ and 21st August is ‘Mindfulness week’. e following sessions will take place each week: • Mondays, 11.30am to 1.30pm at Marchwood Youth Club. • Tuesdays, 11.30am to 1.30pm at Hythe Youth Club (Except 15th August which will be a nature visit). • Wednesdays, 11.30am to 1.30pm at Marchwood Youth Club and St Anne’s Netley View, 2pm to 4pm in local parks (No session at St Anne’s on 2nd August). • Thursdays, 11.30am to 1.30pm at Hythe Youth Club (Except Thursday 24th August – trip tbc). Plus CM Youth Day events on Friday’s for secondary aged young people in receipt of bene t related free school meals including Bowling/laser quest, Urban Art, Street Cooking and Skateboarding – these events must be pre-booked via: https:// cm- foundat ion. co.uk/book-current - projects - click on the Hythe Youth Events link. ese activities could not take place without funding from the Handy Trust’s supporters. anks go to Hythe and Dibden Parish Council, Marchwood Parish Council, Dibden Allotments Fund, New Forest District Council, Hythe Youth Club and Marchwood Hub. ank you also goes to CMFoundation for organising/ providing extra activities and Energise Me, National Lottery and Sport England for additional funding. For more information please visit: www.thehandytrust.co.uk