Herald - Issue 457

v CALL US: 023 8084 5700 v 9th May 2024 • The HERALD • Page 3 THE FRAME SHOP We frame Prints, Paintings, Embroideries, Tapestries, Medals, Coins, Photos, Maps, Sports Shirts and Memorabilia 15 MARSH PARADE, PYLEWELL ROAD, HYTHE SO45 6AN PICTURE FRAMING 023 8084 4741 Est: 1987 • ROOFS • PATIOS • GUTTERS • CONSERVATORIES • WINDOWS ✦ Fully Insured ✦ 07960 915741 info@mossbossuk.com www.mossbossuk.com of sailing. Born in 1924, Boyd was 17 when he joined the navy. A er his training, he arrived in Normandy just a er the initial D-Day landings in June 1944. He was tasked with helping to make the beaches safer by clearing enemy mines, duties he continued in the Netherlands. He also spent time on the Atlantic convoys and at the Navy’s Mediterranean base on Gibraltar. In 1945, he was just a few feet away from a mine on a Dutch beach when it exploded and le him with severe abdominal injuries, a large scar and shrapnel embedded in his body. After treatment at various hospitals, he spent time convalescing with fellow o cers at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. A er leaving the Navy in 1946, Boyd studied engineering and became off the decorations to keep.” Julia Puia, Court Lodge Companionship Team Leader, said: “We all wanted to make sure Boyd had the best family gathering with his loved ones coming to help him celebrate in style. He was ever so excited about the helicopter ride. He had a magnificent birthday and was truly touched by all the love around him. We all wish Boyd a Happy Birthday and a splendid year ahead.” Sky’s the Limit as WWII Veteran Celebrates 100th Birthday Continued from front page Boyd Salmon on his 100th birthday with Court Lodge team members Paul Badcock, Kitchen Assistant, left, and Chef Philippe Perrin a Chartered Engineer, his profession until retirement. He and his late wife Jacqueline had two daughters and multiple grandchildren and great grandchildren. Boyd’s helicopter ride with Bliss Aviation was arranged as a surprise by his daughter Anita, who travelled from her home in America for the birthday celebrations. Boyd, who moved to Court Lodge from his nearby Lymington family home four years ago, said a er the ight: “It was a dream come true and I thoroughly enjoyed it.” And speaking at his party, he added: “I feel so very happy to be here at Court Lodge and I can’t thank the staff enough for everything they do. Being 100 really is not bad at all. It was a fabulous birthday. The cake was absolutely amazing and I’ve taken