Herald - Issue 458

Page 36 • The HERALD • 30th May 2024 v D-DAY 80 - 6TH JUNE 2024 v Culture in Common Create Souvenir Programme for D-Day 80 e New Forest, with its serene beauty and rich history, became an integral part of the Allied strategy for the liberation of Europe during the Second World War. A series of events, commemorative memorials, exhibitions and projects are taking place across the New Forest to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, telling the fascinating stories of the land, air, sea and espionage operations that shaped the outcome of the war and world history. Culture in Common have created a Souvenir Programme for D-Day 80 covering untold stories and promoting all the events, exhibitions and projects taking place in the New Forest. A limited number have been printed and will be available from event venues in the New Forest. It is incredible to imagine how Allied forces and residents of the New Forest managed to keep the arrival of 100,000 troops secret from the enemy. Through captivating narratives, archival photographs, and rsthand accounts, the theme of secrecy keeps recurring through the pages of the souvenir publication. Jacqui Ibbotson, Director, Culture in Common comments: “I am grateful to Editor Dan Goater, Designer Spike Golding, Dan Snow MBE, Helen Wallbridge and all our contributors and heritage organisations for creating a programme of very special 80th anniversary memories and events. We hope you will take part in your local beacon lighting ceremony on 6th June, a moment that offers an opportunity to reflect on the significance of this historic milestone. As the last remaining survivors of D-Day pay their tributes, we remember the sacrifices made on the shores of Normandy and the legacy of courage and resilience that endures within the heart of the New Forest.” For more information please visit: www.cultureincommon.co.uk D-Day Art Exhibition and Wartime Walks at Exbury Gardens A D-Day Art Exhibition is being held at Exbury Gardens from 1st June-9th June. e exhibition is a collaboration between Friends of New Forest Air elds (FONFA) and Ballard School Art Department. Friends of the New Forest Air elds (FONFA) is a charity that was established to remember those who served on the twelve New Forest air elds during World War II and to preserve the heritage and their memory for future generations. On 8th June book on to one of two guided Wartime Walks around Exbury Gardens with John Stanley, author of e Exbury Junkers: A World War II Mystery. John will retell the curious tale of the solitary Junkers Ju188 aircra that ew into the heart of the allied invasion preparations on the Solent just weeks before D-Day and was shot down, crashing at Exbury. Tours will start at 11am and 2pm lasting for approximately 2 hours. £5 for Friends of Exbury and £20 for nonmembers (includes admission to the gardens for a full day). Places on the walks must be booked in advance, please visit: www.exbury.co.uk/wartime-walks Sway During the War An exhibition about Sway during the war will be running from 3rd June– 14th June at Sway Youth Centre. ere will be a talk ‘D-Day on e New Forest Air elds’ in Sway Village Hall on 4th June, 7pm and Sway Cinema will be showing e Longest Day on 7th June, 7.30pm, book your cinema ticket: swayvillagehall.co.uk/cinemalistings Mulberry Harbour Platform remains Lepe Beach Screenings of the Longest Day are taking place to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day D-DAY 80 COMMEMORATION AFTERNOON TEA As part of the many D-Day 80 events around the New Forest commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D Day Landings Fawley Parish Council is providing an a ernoon tea on Thursday 6th June, 2.30pm - 4.30pm at Jubilee Hall in Fawley, with a talk about the 6th June 1944 by Angela Trend, followed by a performance by the Goodnight Sweethearts. e event is free but there are a limited number of places, if you wish to attend tickets will be available from 1st June at Jubilee Hall. Culture in Common and NFDC have produced a Souvenir Guide to all the events happening for the commemoration. e free guides are available from Gang Warily and Jubilee Hall. Discovery Bus D-Day 80 Touring Exhibition e Discovery Bus D-Day 80 Touring Exhibition, with interactive displays, will be touring the local area and will be parked up outside Totton Library on 30th May, 9am–4.30pm, Ringwood Carvers Clubhouse on 1st June, 10am–12.30pm, Fordingbridge Recreation Ground on 1st June, 2pm–4.30pm, Hotspur House by Hythe Pier on 2nd June, 10am–3pm, Sway Youth Club on 6th June, 10am–4pm, Copythorne Village Hall on 6th June, 7.30pm–9.30pm, Lepe Country Park on 8th June, 10am–3pm and Milford on Sea near Hurst Road playpark on 9th June, 10am–3pm. New Forest Heritage Centre in Lyndhurst will be exhibiting a series of immersive images by renowned portrait photographer Alistair Morrison of living men and women veterans of D-Day, together with lmed interviews and archive content. e exhibition is open daily from 1st - 8th June. New Forest Heritage Centre D-Day 80 Photography Exhibition