Herald - Issue 469

Page 44 • The HERALD • 30th January 2025 v SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPECIALISTS v WE CARE, YOU CARE christinashomecare@hotmail.com Fully Qualified, Insured and Enhanced DBS Call me for a friendly informal chat to discuss whatever you or your loved ones needs are on 07579 766797 Christina’s Home Care Professional Independent Carer Covering Waterside and New Forest Greenbuttercup Dementia Services in Romsey From Greenbuttercup Dementia Services 2025 is the ninth year that Greenbuttercup Dementia Services have been running activity groups in Romsey for those living with Dementia and their carers/relatives. Each month we run a fun ‘Arts & Cra s’ group on the first Friday of the month; a ‘Reminiscence Activity Group’ on the third Friday of the month and a ‘Singalong’ on the fourth Friday of the month. Over the summer months we visit local attractions and hold outdoor meetings, and four times a year we hold joint activities with Abbotswood Court Care Home. Our regular meetings are held in the Green Room at the Plaza eatre on a Friday morning from 10.30am - 12.30pm. is is an accessible building with parking to the rear of the theatre and entry is by the side door (up the ramp). ere is a charge of £4 per person to attend, which includes all activities, unlimited tea/co ee and biscuits. Activities are open to those with any stage of Dementia, and activities can be adapted accordingly. Upcoming activities include: Friday 31st January ‘Drum Fit’ a fun seated exercise class to music using t balls as drums – taking place at Abbotswood Court Care Home, 2.30m – 4pm. Friday 7th February the Arts & Cra s session will be Papercra , this session will take place in the Cros eld Hall Annexe as the Green Room is unavailable. Friday 21st February the Reminiscence Activity Group is with Malcolm the ‘Music Man’, followed by Singing with Traci on Friday 28th February. If you are interested in coming along or just want to nd out more about us, then please contact: Pamela on greenbuttercupdementiaservices@ gmail.com or call 01794 501605. Information about upcoming (and past) activities can also be found on our Facebook Page: www.facebook. com/greenbuttercupdementiaservices Residents of Local Care Homes Launch Original Christmas Song Residents and sta of Hartford Care’s, Woodlands House in Woodlands and West Cli Hall in Hythe came together with all of the care provider’s homes across England to create and launch their rst, original Christmas song. With lyrics written by Hartford’s Enquiries O cer Chris Jones, and vocals powered by arti cial intelligence, residents and sta sent in their footage – showcasing their Christmas décor and festive choreography - for inclusion in the nal video to celebrate the season and thank the sta for their dedication and hard work. Emma Jones, Operations Director at Hartford Care said: “Our original Christmas song is a real treat and has been such a fantastic way for us all to celebrate the holidays with our residents and families, as well as with our wider communities. We hope that people get as much joy from hearing the song and watching our video as we all did making it!” Hartford Care’s ethos is ‘Creating Caring Communities’; its philosophy of care is underpinned by creating communities that are friendly, kind and welcoming of everyone, caring for each other and celebrating individuality by recognising that everyone needs something di erent to thrive. You can watch the video online: youtu.be/0B7_FFbcON4 Memoryworks CIC Memory Group in Lyndhurst Memoryworks CIC provide programmes of Cognitive Stimulation erapy (CST) for people living with memory concerns and dementia. ey run a memory group in Lyndhurst on Wednesday afternoons, 2pm-3pm, in the New Forest Heritage Centre. CST is a proven method that focuses on stimulating various cognitive functions through a range of structured activities and discussions. It can help to improve attention, problem-solving skills, and counters the risk of people becoming withdrawn. e group will provide support via experienced dementia group facilitators who have all been involved in looking a er someone living with dementia. It will also be an opportunity for carers to connect with others who share similar experiences. e Memoryworks Co-ordinator is an experienced social care professional who has facilitated groups for many years. She understands that carers can be at loss as what to do, when a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia. So, if you are looking for a supportive and interactive group, which allows your loved one to thrive, have fun and in turn build their con dence, contact Memoryworks via email: hello@ memoryworks.org.uk or call Elena on: 075 9050 3210. For more information about the stimulation therapy methods please visit: www.memoryworks.org.uk