Herald - Issue 460

Page 62 • The HERALD • 11th July 2024 v GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH THE HERALD v ✿ DOWN THE GARDEN PATH ✿ Totton & District Gardeners’ Society A er 70 years, Totton & District Gardeners’ Society is struggling to exist. Membership has fallen from 120+, before the pandemic, down to 35. With hall hire fees, speaker fees, and insurance and a liation fees all increased, the bank balance is low. It will be decided in November, if they cannot increase the membership, that the society will close. e meetings are held in Totton 3 Score Club hall, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Talks on many gardening subjects, usually illustrated, are given by excellent speakers and are thoroughly enjoyed by the members. On 14th August ‘Butter ies and Moths’ will be the subject of the talk. ere are two open shows a year: one in March, and the other in August. e next is on the 17th August and schedules are available now by contacting Derrick on: 023 8066 8177 or email: Totton.gardeners@ btinternet.com Classes include floral art, owers, pot plants, fruit, vegetables, cookery, photography, and special ones for children. ey are really struggling to keep the society alive, and hope that you can help. A warm welcome awaits you, should you wish to join their friendly group. Hythe Flower Club On ursday 13th June Hythe Flower Club welcomed Irene Hickson with her demonstration ‘Fashion Trends’. ey had arrangements from 1920 through to the 1970’s. A musical piece accompanied the conclusion of each one, which made them all hum along, although some tunes were more familiar than others! A container with black fringing was reminiscent of a dress belonging to a apper doing the Charleston. Starting with ferns and feathers for height, dogwood and peony leaves were added. Antique pink roses, pink peonies, mixed colour gerbera and alstroemeria were used to great e ect - a super design. Next was honouring Coco Chanel and her little black dress. Although designing hats at the beginning of her career Coco gained a reputation for producing memorable clothes. A mainly white and green design with aspidistra leaves (manipulated), hosta and rubus providing a backdrop for white carnations, canna lilies and tiny white roses. With pearl beads the design was much admired. For the 1950’s there was a basket container lined with petticoat net. ey were reminded that the petticoats were starched so that the dresses twirled nicely whilst dancing. A design to mimic a meadow, ferns around the edge lled in with red celosia, blue delphiniums, green carnations, mixed colour gerbera, pink roses and allium - a very imaginative design. 1960 and it had to be Mary Quant. Everybody remembered miniskirts and knee boots. Against a backdrop of a very psychedelic piece of material, Irene produced a great arrangement with rolled and pinned aspidistra leaves, red hot pokers, celosia, orange gerberas and hosta - certainly the swinging sixties. To conclude Irene showed them the most incredible pair of platform shoes. Did people really manage to walk in them!! A vertical design using purple allium, white carnations, green celosia, spotted laurel, fats hedera, small allium and red carnations nished the evening. Irene is an experienced and talented demonstrator and they had such an entertaining evening much enjoyed by all of the members. Hythe Flower Club meet on the second Thursday of the month (except August), 6.45pm for 7.30pm, at Hythe and Dibden Parish Hall, West Street, Hythe. All professional ower arrangements are ra ed at the end of the evening. For more information email: HytheFlowerClub@outlook.com