Herald - Issue 443

Page 40 • The HERALD • 13th July 2023 v F @heraldpublishing v Health, Beauty &Wellbeing Karen 07590 516009 Wednesday 5.30pm & 7pm Thursdays 7.30am & 9am St John’s Church Hall, Hythe Mobile Appointments may be available by arrangement Supporting people living with: • Back pain • Neck & shoulder pain • Migraines • Sciatica • Hip & Knee pain • Dementia • Cancer • Long term illness Working with you on increasing mobility Focusing on decreasing your daily pain Situated in Bartley 023 8081 3172 or 07876 101576 compatouch@gmail.com www.compassionatetouch.biz Therapeutic Massage The Waterside Physiotherapy & Osteopathy Clinic www.thewatersideclinic.co.uk Jon Eyres and Associates • NECK AND BACK PAIN • PREGNANCY RELATED PAIN • ACUPUNCTURE • ARTHRITIC PAIN • ALL SPORTS INJURIES • SHOULDER/ARM PAIN Treatment by Chartered Physiotherapists and Registered Osteopaths Registered with all major health insurers and HCPC Tel: 023 8020 7764 First Floor, South Street Centre, Hythe, Southampton SO45 6EB FOUR SEASONS DENTURE CENTRE MORE THAN JUST A DENTAL LABORATORY If you want the best quality dentures in a relaxed, friendly and professional environment then call today for a free consultation Tel: 023 8084 6443 Mobile: 07919 074360 1 HOUR DENTURE REPAIRS North Road, Dibden Purlieu, Southampton SO45 4RE NEED NEW DENTURES? Kitten and a Bee Among Reasons for Lost Hearing Aids! Admiral Home Insurance is urging hearing aid users to make sure their devices are covered under home insurance policies, a er its own data reveals a claim is made for lost or damaged devices every day 1. e insurer revealed it has paid out more than £2 million in claims for lost or damaged devices since the start of 2020, with the average claim coming in at £1,554.  e average cost this year is 13% higher than in 2020 2 . However individual claims can be even higher, with advances in hearing aid technology, a set could cost up to £3,000 3 . Admiral’s data also shows the number of claims received in the rst 5 months of this year (January – May) averages at almost 40 a month, compared with an average of 31 a month between 2020 and 2022. e most common reason users are likely to make a claim for their hearing aid include losing them when putting on or removing clothing, hoods or hats, and losing them when out and about, such as at the gym or while shopping. Users have also reported losing or damaging them a er accidentally throwing them in the bin, inadvertently throwing them in a re, and one instance where a kitten had taken it and lost it somewhere at home. Other unusual claims include a customer who accidentally vacuumed up their hearing aid, while another reported accidentally knocking them out when a bee ew too close. According to the RNID 4 , there are 12 million adults in the UK with hearing loss, with estimates suggesting around 2 million people use hearing aids 3 . Admiral is reminding users that individual hearing aids worth over £1,000 must be speci ed on their policy and they should specify the right and le hearing aids separately. If the hearing aids cost less than £1,000 each, they wouldn’t need to be speci ed. Admiral advises anyone who uses a hearing aid to check the details of what’s covered with their own insurer to make sure they’re not le out of pocket if they lose their device. Noel Summer eld, Head of Household at Admiral Insurance comments: “Millions of people across the UK rely on hearing aids, and we understand how difficult it could be for anyone with hearing loss to be left without their device. We think the notable increase in the number of claims is due, in part, to advancements in technology as hearing aids are becoming increasingly discreet, but at the same time, easier to misplace or lose. Furthermore, the increasing value of these tiny but powerful devices means that forking out for a replacement can easily cost hundreds if not thousands of pounds. If you have an individual hearing aid that costs more than £1,000 it’s really important to list it as a specified item on your home insurance policy to make sure you’re covered, and if you wear a device in both ears, each device, if worth over £1,000 should be added separately. Hearing aid users should check the documents of their policy, or directly with their insurer to confirm the details of what’s covered.” 1.Admiral data on the number of hearing aid claims from January 2020 – May 2023 in full. 2. Admiral data includes the number of hearing aid claims, and the value of each claim, made per month from January 2020 – May 2023. 3. Hearing Link facts - Deafness & hearing loss facts - Hearing Link Services 4.RNID facts and gures https://rnid.org.uk/ about-us/research-and-policy/facts-and- gures/ PARKINSON’S SUPPORT e New Forest Branch of Parkinson’s UK welcome all Parkinson’s people and their Carers to join a fun chair based exercise class with the emphasis on functional tness, followed by co ee, biscuits and chat. e classes are held Tuesday mornings at 10.30am at the Boldre War Memorial Hall, Pilley, SO41 5QG. £3 per session (Carers free). Contact: 07595 927299, or just go along. e New Forest Branch of Parkinson’s UKmeets on the thirdThursday of each month at the Boldre War Memorial Hall, Pilley, SO41 5QG from 2pm to 4.30pm. Friendly support, information and social activities are available for all people with Parkinson’s, their Carers, families and friends. All new members are very welcome. No membership fees, but voluntary donations always welcome. Contact: 07595 927299 or visit: www.parkinsonsnewforest.org e Colbury Memorial Hall Tai Chi group on Monday mornings were able to enjoy an open air session recently owing to the lovely weather. Tai Chi took place on the grass under the shade of nearby trees but for those who preferred to do their tness exercise indoors, instruction was also available inside. Led by New Forest Martial Arts Tutors, this group is a friendly place to improve your tness and health and takes place Mondays at 9.30am for a prompt start. Tai Chi at Colbury Memorial Hall