Herald - Issue 443

Page 52 • The HERALD • 13th July 2023 v SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPECIALISTS v ✿ DOWN THE GARDEN PATH ✿ SPADEWORK Family Landscaping & Fencing Team ] Decking & Natural Sandstone Paving ] Patios ] Driveways ] Block Paving ] Turfing ] All Types of Domestic & Commercial Fencing ] Security Fencing Supplied & Fitted Tel: (023) 8089 4909 Mobile: 07703 566814 u Free Estimates u Fully Insured All Aspects of Garden Work Undertaken • Driveways • Paving • Artificial Grass • Turfing • Decking • Fencing • Hedge Cutting • Landscaping Hythe Garden Contractors Family company established 1977 For a free quotation please call 023 8084 3556 or 023 8084 0378 Telephone Richard 023 8084 9637 | Grass Cutting | Edges Trimmed | Hedge Trimming | PRESSURE WASHING OF DECKS, PATIOS & DRIVES | FENCE & SHEDS PAINTED QuickSmart Garden Services Professional & Reliable Hythe Flower Club On June 8th Hythe F l owe r Cl ub welcomed national demonstrator Annette Urquart with her set entitled ‘Dabbling in Daydreams’. A very experienced and talented arranger they knew it would be special and it certainly was. With a story for each one, the first was inspired by Annette’s love of gardening. ree wooden crates of di erent sizes were filled with purple allium, yellow stocks, lilac campanula, white carnations and peach Avalanche roses. With bronze fennel and cat mint added it looked like a beautiful country garden. Next there was a huge copper coloured disc with a grid on top in which tubes were xed. An ‘applejack’ rose in shades of red and cream accompanied blowsy red peonies, yellow Alstromeria and Glorious red lillies. A really striking arrangement. A tree trunk xed to a stand reminded Annette of a holiday in Yosemite Park in the USA. Stately white foxgloves and long euphorbia were put in to tall glass vases xed to the trunk. Very simple but really lovely. e 4th design was put on top of a really tall heavy vase, which necessitated Annette standing on a stool! e greenery included choisya and aliagnus with the owers being mauve calla lillies and white carnations. e memory was the book ‘Wuthering Heights’ which Annet te remembers reading as a child and her mother telling her to play outside! Finally a square yellow container (with a smaller sister). Filled with spotted laurel, rosemary and hellebore soon flowers were added. yellow antirrhinum, deep blue delphinium, yellow chrysanthemums and hosta leaves made for a delightful design. A very entertaining evening and the ra e was popular with those lucky enough to win. eir next meeting is Thursday 13th July when Sue Wall will demonstrate ‘Reuse and Recycle’. Go along to Hythe and Dibden Parish Hall 6.45 for 7.30pm and enjoy a relaxing evening. A chance to win some amazing arrangements. A tree surgeon has launched a pioneering mobile app to help UK arboriculture professionals to connect and recycle their wood by-products with people who need it for free. Nick Wilson, 35, fromWest Sussex, has recently launched Green Line Arb, a rising start-up with a focus on providing innovative solutions for arboriculture and land-based industries. Tree surgery and Landscaping businesses can download the app to nd work, sta and tools near them, wherever they are in the UK. And any household who would like to receive free wood, chippings and soil by-products to burn or for their gardens can sign themselves up as a ‘Drop Point’ on the new Green Line Arb Recycling Portal. Arb businesses can then locate them on the map feature and arrange to deliver directly to them. Since launching in May, arb businesses across UK and Ireland have been downloading and using the app, and hundreds of people have already registered themselves as a ‘Drop Point’. Professionals can download the Green Line Arb mobile phone app on both Apple and Android, and anyone can register for free wood materials on the online Portal at www.greenlinearb.com Arb and landscape trades generate huge amounts of surplus wood products, soil and hardcore every day. ese materials are always in demand and can be delivered for free, to help professionals to dispose of waste locally, and give people free products to heat their homes or use in their gardens, at a time when the cost of living continues to rise. is sustainable approach promotes the recycling of resources and reduces carbon emissions from longer transportation. As a second-generation tree surgeon who took over his family business, founder Nick created the app and portal to solve a long-standing problem in the industry, a er experiencing many years of di culty nding suitable drop points nearby to jobs. Nick, who is venturing into the technology space for the rst time, said: “We know people are in need of the huge amount of wood and materials that come from tree work, especially with costs so high, but finding them is always the problem. So, we designed this app to meet these challenges headon, empowering and equipping arb and landscaping professionals and creating a network of ‘Drop Point’ sites across the UK. We’re passionate about bringing the arb community together to really help people.” Green Line Arb is not just a platform for connecting professionals and the public; it aims to become a thriving hub of information. As part of Nick’s commitment to community engagement, the app will be a place for sharing tips and advice on the e ective use of materials through the ‘G.L. Arb Blog’. By spreading the word about sustainable gardening and land care practices, Nick aims to inspire people to make a positive impact on their surroundings by using and sharing the free by-products in a creative way. Nick added: “We believe that the Recycling Portal will be a huge help to our communities, especially at a time when many people are struggling with high costs. I’m delighted Green Line Arb is now live and so excited to share our platform to positively connect people.” Tree Surgeon Launches App to Bring Free Wood Products to Households Nick Wilson