Page 48 • The HERALD • 30th January 2025 v SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPECIALISTS v Yours Faithfully... You are invited to BETHANY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Rollestone Road, Holbury Every Sunday, 6.20pm for 6.30pm Christian Worship & Teaching 023 8089 2153 Everyone Welcome Everyone welcome to our Services SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 10.30AM 1st Sunday of the month Communion HAMPTON LANE, BLACKFIELD SO45 1XA Bespoke Memorial Jewellery made with Love and Respect for you and your loved ones Telephone - 07879 856552 Also find us on 24” high from £550 30” high from £675 (Prices inclusive VAT) Installation anywhere in England and Wales Memorials refurbished and inscriptions added Colours and full range of memorials available Send your local news to The Editor, The Herald, by email: Children’s and Youth Activities at St John’s and St Anne’s From The Parish of Hythe is year is already shaping up to be another busy year at St John’s and St Anne’s. On Saturday 1st February we are looking forward to hosting our rst ever Lego exhibition. Do come along between 10am and 4pm to see lots of wonderful Lego models, and there will also be the chance to do some Lego construction of your own. All ages are very welcome – admission is £2 but children are free. Here’s a reminder of some of the di erent children’s and youth activities that we have going on at St John’s and St Anne’s. For those of you with very little ones, Chris runs both Little Footprints and Toddlie Winks at St Anne’s Church. Little Footprints on a Monday is designed with non-mobile babies in mind, and then Toddlie Winks on a Thursday is perfect for toddlers. Both groups run from 1pm-2.30pm and you are guaranteed a warm and friendly welcome. On a Friday evening, our Youth Club meets in St John’s Hall from 6pm–7.30pm. All young people from school year 6 upwards are welcome to attend. ere are a range of games available as well as a chill out zone and a tuck shop. Our monthly Messy Church sessions on a Friday afternoon are always great fun for all the family. ey are next running on 31st January at St John’s Church and 7th February at St Anne’s Church, and then 28th February (St John’s) and 7th March (St Anne’s) a er that. Come and have a go at a range of di erent activities and enjoy a free meal together. Both sessions run from 3.30pm-5pm. Every Sunday we have Bubble Church at St John’s Church. is is aimed at babies, toddlers and young families. Doors open at 9.15am for co ee and croissants and then at 9.30am we begin half an of hour of song, story, puppets and prayer together. Each week there is a di erent activity inside the Bubble Church bags linked to the Bible story the puppets have acted out. If you have any questions or want further details about any of our activities for children and young people, please contact our Children’s and Families Pastor, Chris McMahon: families@stjohnshythe. org or pop in to the o ce in St John’s Hall to say hello. Cornerstone Open Daily 10am-12noon If you need somewhere to sit, chat and relax in the warm with a hot brew. Why not drop into Cornerstone Hythe URC. ey are open every day Monday to Saturday from 10am until 12noon. Co ee or Tea and a biscuit are just £1 – and stay as long as you like. Other activities are happening during the week that you may like to join in with. Table Top sale every other Tuesday 9.30am–12noon (next on 5th February); Hythe Active keep- t on Thursday mornings 10am–11am; ‘Pins and Needles’ knitting group on Friday mornings 10am–12noon. A warm welcome awaits you, just drop in! Hythe Spiritualist Church Hythe Spiritualist Church Independent invites you to join them every Friday night, 7pm–9.30pm, at Hythe Community Centre, Brinton Lane (SO45 6DU) for a divine service of mediumship and clairvoyance. No charge, donations accepted. All are welcome. SUNDAY SERVICES Go along to Black eld Baptist Church ( e Heart of the Village) on Sundays 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd February from 10.30am for their regular services. Everyone is welcome to join them at Hampton Lane, Black eld for their services. Soup & Sweet Soup & Sweet at Trinity Church, Hazel Farm Road, Totton, SO40 8WU takes place on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12.30pm to 2pm. For £5 per person you can have soup with a bread roll followed by a sweet and a tea or co ee. Very good value in congenial company – they hope to see you there!