Page 62 • The HERALD • 30th January 2025 v THE HERALD - Your Community Magazine v ASK A PROFESSIONAL Powers of Attorney - Safeguarding the Vulnerable Advice from Jasper Vincent Solicitors Before anything else, the team at Jasper Vincent wishes you a happy and healthy New Year. In this issue of e Herald we cover key considerations when making Lasting Powers of Attorney (“LPAs”), in particular how to choose your attorneys. LPAs are very useful documents that allow individuals of your choice to act on your behalf. ere are two di erent areas LPAs can generally cover: Property and Finances, and Health and Welfare. LPAs are overseen by a court organisation known as the O ce of the Public Guardian (“the OPG”). e OPG maintains a register of everyone acting as an attorney and they have investigative powers if an attorney mismanages your a airs. Anyone acting as an attorney will be bound by a strict code of conduct. e code of conduct is enshrined in the Mental Capacity Act. Breaching it by abusing the powers of attorney can potentially lead to a criminal o ence for the attorney. It is therefore crucial that you know you can trust your attorneys and their credentials. For Property and Finances you can appoint a solicitor to act for you. is is usually appropriate if you have no family or friends you feel you could trust with the burdens of the role. For Health and Welfare, however, it should only ever be family or friends who are appointed, as those decisions tend to be so deeply personal. If a solicitor is your attorney, it is vitally important that you provide them with instructions as to how you want them to act for you. Even if for the time being your instructions are to do nothing while you manage your own a airs, it helps to prepare them in advance for any scenario. If you have any concerns about appointing a solicitor for Property and Finances, you should consider a rm like Jasper Vincent with Associate of Lifetime Lawyer accredited solicitors. at way, you can ensure you are receiving the highest quality of service while your solicitor attorney acts for you. For an initial consultation about LPAs, please contact our Associate Solicitor Edward Kennard at Jasper Vincent’s Waterside o ce on 023 8089 0919. Upcoming Oakhaven Business Club Networking Events Oakhaven Business Club runs regular networking events with local businesses across the New Forest, Waterside and Totton. Businesses can pay-as-you-go per person per session, or become an annual member. e next event is Oakhaven Business Club Beer & Networking on Thursday 27th February, 5pm-7pm at e Vibrant Tap in Lyndhurst for a chance to taste their beer and network with like-minded businesses. £15pp. Followed by Lunch at e High Street Kitchen in Lymington on Tuesday 11th March, 12noon–2pm, £25pp. For more information about how to join the Oakhaven Business Club or to book a space for one of their networking events please visit: www.oakhavenhospice. New Waste Collection Service from NFDC To help us recycle more and throw less away, New Forest District Council (NFDC) will be introducing a new waste collection service. It will be rolled out in phases for di erent areas of the district, from summer 2025. Once you’re using the new service: • you will be able to recycle your food waste – collected every week • recycling and rubbish will be collected fortnightly – your rubbish will be collected one week, and recycling the next Most households will use wheelie bins for recycling and rubbish, and caddies for food waste. If you live in a at, you may use communal bins instead of wheelie bins. As an exception, due to storage or access restrictions, a smaller number of properties will continue to use sacks instead of wheelie bins. ere are no changes to glass collections, they will continue as usual. Before the changes are due to start in your area, NFDC will send you information in the post. is will explain what phase you are in, how the service will work for you, what support they can o er, when bins and caddies will be delivered, changes to collection days, and your start date. ey’ll also have more details on their website, social media and other communication channels, including which phase each property in the district will be in. You can read more information about the new service on the NFDC website: wastechanges