Herald - Issue 469

Page 66 • The HERALD • 30th January 2025 v THE HERALD - Proud to be part of your community v AUTOPAT A Family Business Established since 1982 PROMPT & EFFICIENT v Servicing v Mechanical Repairs v MOT’s - Petrol & Diesel v Air Conditioning Service Unit 3, Hardley Ind. Est., Hythe 023 8084 0163 • Latest 4-Wheel Computerised Wheel Alignment • FREE Wheel Alignment Check with Service • FREE Local Collection & Delivery BOOK ONLINE H Clutches H Diagnostics H Air Conditioning H 4 Wheel Alignment H H Cambelts H Service to Manufacturers Specification on all makes and models H BADMINSTON GARAGE HYTHE PHONE: 023 8001 9090 • EMAIL: mhbgarage100@gmail.com Web: badminstonsgroup.co.uk/hythe • F badminstonsofhythe 50 SHORE ROAD, HYTHE SO45 6GJ MOT & SERVICE CENTRE for Cars, Motorcycles,Vans and Motorhomes FAWLEY GARAGE MOTs/Repairs/Tyres Diagnostics/Servicing Call Now for your Free No Obligation Quote 023 80891057/023 8089 0552 Email: accounts.fg@btconnect.com 07866 041192 • 0800 028 7878 Transport Torque Dates for Your Diaries! Upcoming Transport Torques in the Collections Centre theatre at the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu: 22nd February e Last Overland by Alex Bescoby, 29th March Steph Holloway (classic car enthusiast and leading YouTuber) and 26th April Sam Manicom (Author, Travel Writer, and Presenter). Visit: nationalmotormuseum. org.uk/events/transport-torques for more information and to book tickets. Disaster!! No water at the Empress of Blanding’s forced the postponement of the club’s Annual Christmas Dinner in December, which was rearranged for 16th January. At the 9th January meeting Mark and Sarah of Solent Spectacles in Totton gave a presentation about the new types of night time driving spectacle lens. It was a real “eye opener” for the 15 attendees. is number was less due to darker evenings, as some members dislike driving in the winter dark with the glare of LED extra bright car lights. Hence, the excellent presentation was pertinent to A30/A35 club older members who nd the LED car lights blindingly unacceptable. Although the club is named Austin A30/ A35 Owners Club, most members do not have an A30 genre vehicle but just enjoy an evening chat with likeminded classic car bods. The club meet at Netley Marsh Community Hall, SO407GE on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7.30pm, new members are very welcome to go along, take a mug for your tea or co ee! e Club also have a daytime catch up at a café on the 4th Thursday of the month. AUSTIN A30/A35 OWNERS CLUB SOUTHAMPTON AND NEW FOREST Breakfast at Vintage Tyres at Beaulieu Join Vintage Tyres for breakfast in your car, bike, camper, truck, tank or traction engine on Saturday 8th February, 8.30am–11.30am. Any vehicle of any age is welcome – if you love it bring it! The format is really simple. ey take over the rst car park on the le as you enter the grounds of the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu - just look out for the signs. Park up and chat to likeminded enthusiasts, leave when you like. ey have teamed up with local caterers TASTE to o er hot food and drinks. Entry is free and they promise not to talk about tyres unless you want to! Hythe Huddle Hythe Huddle, the drop in support group for people living with dementia and their carers, organised by Families Matter, meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm at Cornerstone URC, Hythe SO45 6BR. Activities are planned throughout the year including arts and cra s, entertainment and games. Hythe Huddle sessions also provide advice, community and support. eir next meeting is on Wednesday 5th February. Refreshments are available, kindly donated by Tesco. For more information call: 023 8020 7623 or email: o ce.fm.hurc@gmail.com