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To mark the occasion, New Years’ Day saw the traditional ‘Captain’s Drive In’ event. e weather wasn’t kind but that didn’t stop a large crowd of members showing their support – or was it the promise of food a er the formalities? A er a successful but challenging year with the weather, the 2024 Captains; Debbie Campbell, Steve Harnett and Dave Wilson putted out on the 18th hole. Sue and Stef then took their turn to drive o on the rst tee; both driving well and down the middle of the fairway. No Senior Captain has been named as yet, but it is hoped that this will happen soon. A few members of the BHGC Junior section joined the drive in. e Juniors, under the watchful eye of Linda Compton supported by Nathan Cooke, continues to grow with youngsters of all ages being encouraged to pickup a club, learn the game and more importantly enjoy their golf. Following the drive in some good food was served by MyTime allowing all sections to mingle and ‘talk golf’ BHGC Drive in - Sue Lewis 2025 Womens Captain BHGC Drive in - Stefan Davies 2025 Mens Captain BHGC Drive in - 18th green BHGC Drive in - the crowd creating expectation and excitement for the gol ng year ahead. If you are interested in playing golf and want to play your game in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, why not join BHGC? For further information on BHGC please visit: www. bramshotthillgolf club.org. Fingers crossed for some dry golfing weather! 10th December winners: (Left to right) 2nd D Thorpe, 1st C Ellis, E Nkomo, D Bravery 10th December the ‘DOGS’ played a 3 Man Team Waltz competition using their winter card and playing those usual other add on competitions. Winning team: E Nkomo, D Bravery & C Ellis (63) 2nd: D Thorpe, B Barnard & R Gooding (62/CB) 3rd: D Webster, B Cox & A Turnpenny (62C/B). Nearest the pin winners: R James (4th/18), G Tourle (7th/9). Pro’s Approach D McManus (1st/9). Solo 2’s Winner: J Stoker. 17th December the ‘DOGS’ played a Texas Scramble winter card competition, played on the 9 hole course and part 18 hole course. Winning team: J Stoker, L Rustell & B Baker (44.9) 2nd: D Lowman, L Jones & K Barge (48.7) 3rd: R Hallett, D Bravery & M Drodge (50.1). Nearest the pin winners: B Baker (4th/9), K 17th December winners: B Baker, J Stoker, L Rustell 31st December winners: 1st D McManus, 2nd S Lawson, 3rd D Thorpe, 4th R James 7th January winners: 1st R James, 2nd L Rustell, 3rd R Hallett, 4th D Sly Ron Gooding Hole in One! (33) 2nd: S Lawson (31C/B) 3rd: D Thorpe (31C/B) 4th: R James (29C/B). 2’s winners: L Jones, R Gooding (ace at 4th hole on 18 hole course). Nearest the pins winners: R Gooding (4th/18) J Stoker (2nd/9) and Pro’s Approach: D Thorpe (8th/9). Congratulations to Ron Gooding shooting the first hole in one in the ‘DOGS’ Tuesday competition golf in their ten years history, 4th hole, 18 hole course. Well done Ron - better known for ever as Ron (The Ace) Gooding! 7th January the ‘DOGS’ started their 2025 gol ng season with a winter card Stableford in extreme cold conditions. Winner: R James (33) 2nd: L Rustell (32C/B) 3rd: R Hallett (32C/B) 4th D Sly (32C/B). Nearest the pins winners: D McManus 4a(18), D Sly 7th(9) and Pro’s Approach: D Wilkins 8th(9). Barge (4th/18) and J Stoker (4th/18). 31st December the ‘DOGS’ played their last competition for the 2024 season with a winter card Stableford and those famous add on competitions. Winner: D McManus RON WATERS SHIELD On Tuesday 10th December 45 New Forest Golf Club Seniors played for the Ron Waters Shield, a 10 hole Stableford competition which normally precedes the Seniors AGM. Postponed due to the heavy snowstorm 3 weeks earlier, many still found conditions this time quite challenging because of the wind chill caused by a brisk northerly breeze. With 22 points on his card, John Ireland led the eld to win the shield. But everybody was a winner, it also being the annual give-and-take where all competitors contribute a prize. 1st John Ireland, 2nd Phil Walker, Rob Young and Steve Waterman. John Ireland with the Ron Waters Shield Flounder Open Competition On Sunday 29th December Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club held its annual Flounder Open shing competition. 38 anglers took part with a total of 8 ounders being weighed in. It was the rst time for a long while that the weather was perfect on the day. e sea was calm, over cast, dull with a light cold wind and plenty of tide running. Results: 1st Craig Thompson with 3 ounders for 4.17lbs, 2nd Roland Blomfield with 2 ounders for 3.11lbs, 3rd Martin Bobbett with 1 big ounder of 2.07lbs, 4th Malcolm Stote with 1 ounder of 1.57lbs, 5th Tim Clark also 1 ounder of 1.49lbs. Winner Craig Thompson Roland 2nd place Send your sports news to us by email: editor@ heraldpublishing. co.uk