Page 8 • The HERALD • 30th January 2025 v SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES v Services: Oak Framing, Summer Houses, Porches, Car Ports Call us today for a Free No Obligation Quote 023 8198 0182 Opening Hours Monday-Friday 9.30am to 4pm Decking, Pitched Roofs, Sleeper Walls, Garages, Fencing, Furniture, Gates, Mantels, Stables and more…… FREE ESTIMATES • 10 YEAR GUARANTEE HYTHE: FAX/PHONE 023 8084 0441 Unit 2, Hardley Ind Est, Southampton ESTABLISHED FOR 30 YEARS THE LOCAL WINDOW COMPANY WITH THE BIG REPUTATION SUPPLY & INSTALL • Windows • Porches • Conservatories in PVCu • Doors • Choice of Colours & Woodgrain Christmas Light Competition Brings Festive Cheer to Hythe Hythe and Dibden Parish Council (HDPC) and Hythe Alive held a Christmas lights competition for the traders in Hythe in December. e traders were set the challenge to make their shop fronts look festive and bright, the only stipulation was that the display had to include lights that had to be on at certain times of the day. 18 shops entered their windows and helped to make the village light up with festive cheer! e competition was judged by children of Hythe Primary’s School Council, a local Christmas enthusiast and two employees from the HDPC support team. Marks were given out of ten across 3 di erent categories and an overall score given. e nal scores were so close with just a di erence of 1 between the winner and the runner up, with 3rd place taken up by 5 other shops. e winners were Fully Woolly with their beautiful display including a snow scene sprayed onto the window. e runners up were the Tenevous Charity Shop. A special mention to Philpot’s Fish and Chip Shop who always create a Hythe Primary’s School Council helping to judge the windows The winning window – Fully Woolly wonderful display for every event. As well as Waterside Home Care Services who got stuck into the spirit and ended up bringing items from their gardens at home to make their display even brighter! ROMSEY & WATERSIDE LIONS DONATE TO BABY NECESSITIES Romsey & Waterside Lions recently gave a donation to Baby Necessities in Romsey which is a non-pro t Charity created to alleviate child poverty. e Charity collects good quality preloved items which are cleaned and where necessary checked for safety before being distributed to families, with children up to 5 years old, who nd it di cult to buy basic needs. With over 1,000 families helped in 2024 it has been a busy year for the Charity. A er learning that the Charity’s computers were failing, Romsey & Waterside Lions stepped in with a donation of £500 to replace them. Lion Treasurer Sandra Trowbridge presenting a cheque for £500 to Hayleigh Jarvis of Baby Necessities VETERANS BREAKFAST CLUB Hythe Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club takes place on the second Saturday of every month at Hythe & District Social Club, Pylewell Road, Hythe. Go along on Saturday 11th February to enjoy the social interaction and banter with fellow veterans which will help improve your mental health and is good for PTSD. For more details text Graham on 07526 507053 or nd them on Facebook (Hythe Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club).