Page 42 • The HERALD • 30th January 2025 v KEEP ACTIVE, KEEP HEALTHY v Treatments include: Nail trimmings/filing Reduction of thickened nails Corns/Callus Ingrown toe nails Diabetic Foot Care Mini Foot massage For appointments please call Chloe 07587 071367 Appointments also available at The Waterside Foot Clinic, 177 long lane, Holbury SO45 2PA Chloe’s Foot Care Mobile Foot health practitioner Health, Beauty & Wellbeing Karen 07590 516009 Thursdays 7am & 9am St John’s Church Hall, Hythe Menopause Practitioner Hypnotherapist, Mindset Coach Book for a FREE menopause consultation GET BACK TO FEELING YOUR BEST WITH HYTHE & TOTTON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Also Offer: CHIROPODY/PODIATRY with Fiona Cann MSc, MRCPod 8 Drummond Court, Prospect Place, Hythe (Opposite Hythe Ferry) 023 8020 7826 244 Ringwood Road, Totton 023 8086 3612 CHIROPODY/PODIATRY 07895 691290 Kerry Grassick BSc (Hons) Podiatry MRCPod KG PODIATRY First Floor, South Street Shopping Centre, Hythe SO45 6EB * LIFT ACCESS * Email: The next Herald is out on 20th February The Kettle is Always On Testwood Baptist Church’s monthly Bereavement Café is held in the lounge at M Johnson Family Funeral Directors, 26-28 Commercial Road, Totton. e Café is run on a ‘drop-in’ basis between 1pm and 2.30pm on the second Monday of each month and is not designed to be a counselling session. Visitors to the Café will receive a warm welcome and a supportive environment for re ection and conversation; a place to nd mutual support and encouragement. e kettle is always on with tea, co ee and a variety of cakes (including a gluten-free option) served by a friendly team of volunteers. The next Café session will be on Monday 10th February. For more information, please contact the Church on: 023 8086 0320 or visit: Widowed Friendship Club From the Widowed Friendship Club A er losing our spouses and partners we all need help to ease the isolation and loneliness of our situation. Our Widowed Friendship Club is a local self-help group; we exist to o er each other companionship and friendly support, following bereavement. At our gatherings, we chat and organise outings such as day trips, social events, lunches and picnics. We also have non-strenuous activities and quizzes. A er the brief, but casual meeting for event planning, we play table games for fun or simply sit and chat! ere is no pressure to participate in anything, but you are invited to join into any group activities, make suggestions and perhaps organise an event of your own liking. Our friendly group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm, in Hythe & Dibden Parish Hall. Our next meeting date is 11th February. Why not come along and meet us, over a cup of tea or co ee? You are assured of a warm welcome. For more information, please email: Stoma Support Waterside Stoma Support meets at St Andrew’s Church, Dibden Purlieu every other month. A Stoma Nurse is in attendance along with a stoma care company when available for advice and samples. eir next meeting will be on Wednesday 12th March from 1.30pm until 3pm. With refreshments and homemade cakes (for a small charge) a friendly face is guaranteed. Friends and carers are welcome to go along to chat to fellow ostomates. For more information telephone Ian on: 07710 288785 or email: Iangapp13@gmail.comParkinson’s Support e New Forest Branch of Parkinson’s UK welcome all Parkinson’s people and their Carers to join their fun chair-based exercise classes. ese classes are held Tuesdays at 10.30am and most Thursdays at 2pm at the Boldre War Memorial Hall, Pilley, SO41 5QG. £3 per class (Carers free). e New Forest Branch of Parkinson’s UK meets on the third Thursday of each month at the Boldre War Memorial Hall, Pilley, SO41 5QG from 2pm to 4.30pm. Friendly support, information and social activities are available for all people with Parkinson’s, their Carers, families and friends. All new members are very welcome. No membership fees, but voluntary donations always welcome. ROVING RAMBLERS If you like to walk, go along and join Roving Ramblers for their twice monthly walks. ey meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, starting at 10am for a 2 to 2½ hour walk. Walks are open to everyone and are a good opportunity to meet new friends, take a friend along or even take your dog with you to enjoy the walk. eir next walks take place on Wednesday 12th February meet at Wootton Bridge car park and Wednesday 26th February meet at Roundhill Camp Site. For more details call Phil Butterfield on: 023 8084 5684 or: 07708 582285 or by emailing: cedaro ythe@ Contact: 07595 927299 or visit: www. uk