Herald - Issue 462

Page 48 • The HERALD • 22nd August 2024 v SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPECIALISTS v Karen 07590 516009 Thursdays 7am & 9am St John’s Church Hall, Hythe Health, Beauty & Wellbeing WIDOWED FRIENDSHIP CLUB From the Widowed Friendship Club A er losing our spouses and partners we all need help to ease the isolation and loneliness of our situation. Our Widowed Friendship Club is a local self-help group; we exist to o er each other companionship and friendly support, following bereavement. At our gatherings, we chat and organise outings such as day trips, social events, lunches and picnics. We also have nonstrenuous activities and quizzes. A er the brief, but casual meeting for event planning, we play table games for fun or simply sit and chat! ere is no pressure to participate in anything, but you are invited to join into any group activities, make suggestions and perhaps organise an event of your own liking. Our friendly group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm, in Hythe & Dibden Parish Hall. Our next meeting date is 10th September. Why not come along and meet us, over a cup of tea or co ee? You are assured of a warm welcome. For more information, please email: kiritadalja@yahoo.co.uk WESSEX CANCER SUPPORT’S OPEN DAY Wessex Cancer Support is holding an open day at its Waterside support centre (opposite Lidl) on Saturday 14th September, 10.30am-1.30pm. Anyone a ected by cancer, working in cancer services, looking to volunteer or simply wanting to nd out more about the charity can drop in and nd out about the di erent support services the charity provides to local people. Maureen Robb, Manager of the Waterside centre, says she understands taking the rst steps to cancer support can be daunting: “Living with cancer can be tough and people can experience thoughts and feelings they’re not used to. Maybe they’d like to chat with someone outside of their main circle of friends and family. Our open day is an informal opportunity to come along and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of cake, meet our friendly team of volunteers, see round our lovely premises and find out what a difference our support can make to anyone affected by cancer in the Waterside/New Forest area. Everyone is made to feel very welcome and under no pressure to sign up for anything. However someone is feeling, we’re here to support people in the way that’s right for them.” e support centre provides free, local and personalised wellbeing support to anyone living with cancer at any stage. People can be recently diagnosed, recovering from cancer or caring for a loved one who has cancer. Anyone can simply drop-in and chat with its quali ed befrienders, arrange counselling and complementary therapies or join wellbeing activities and support groups. e centre has private treatment rooms and a welcoming lounge. e open day is being held at e Grove, 25 St John’s Street, Hythe SO45 6BZ. If you can’t make the open day but would like to nd out more, email: waterside@wessexcancer.org.uk, or call 023 8178 0409. For general information on the charity visit: wessexcancer.org.uk Waterside Health Walks Everyone is very welcome to go along and join in any of their free walks. Thursday 22nd August, 3pm, Hawkhill2 for a 3.2-mile walk; Saturday 24th August, 10.30am, Beaulieu Road CP for a 5.7-mile walk; Monday 26th August, 10am, North Gate for a 2.6-mile walk; Thursday 5th September, 3pm, Crockford for a 2.6-mile walk and Monday 9th September, 10am, Kings Hat#4 for a 2.8-mile walk. Please contact Mike Roberts on 023 8084 7461 or 07811 361319 for more information about the Waterside Health Walks group. STOMA SUPPORT Waterside Stoma Support meets at St Andrew’s Church, Dibden Purlieu every other month. A Stoma Nurse is in attendance along with a stoma care company when available for advice and samples. eir next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th September from 1.30pm until 3pm. With refreshments and home-made cakes (for a small charge) a friendly face is guaranteed. Friends and carers are welcome to go along to chat to fellow ostomates. For more information telephone Ian on: 07710 288785 or email: Iangapp13@gmail.com Living After Loss ‘Living After Loss’ Bereavement Support Group is provided in Partnership with the Red and Green Practice, Hythe and Black eld Patient Participation Group, Waterside Health Centre. Meet others who have experienced loss, to talk and share in a safe environment. e team, led by Dot Croall, will be on hand to listen, and support you, and provide information on useful resources. Tea, co ee and snacks will be provided, and you are welcome to come and go at any time that suits you. Join them on the 2nd Monday of the month from 2pm to 4pm, at the Lighthouse Community Church, A326, Hardley Green. Please feel free to take a friend or relative along with you. eir next meet up is on Monday 9th September. ey also meet on the 4th Monday of the month at Bethany Gospel Hall, Holbury from 2pm to 4pm. Living A er Loss have events in e Healthy Haven Garden, at the Red and Green Practice in Hythe, running every Thursday throughout August from 2pm to 4pm. ere will be a charge of £3 per person to help pay for tea, co ee and refreshments. For further information visit: www. LivingA erLoss.co.uk or telephone Dot Croall: 023 8019 6643, email her direct at: dcroall@hotmail.com or email: info@LivingA erLoss.co.uk