v THE HERALD - Your Community Magazine v 22nd August 2024 • The HERALD • Page 57 WE CARE, YOU CARE LYMINGTON RAMPS Safer Easier Access SEE MORE PHOTOGRAPHS AND FURTHER DETAILS AT: www.lymingtonramps.co.uk NHS and Local Authority Approved ANY DESIGN TAILOR MADE FOR YOU SAFEST ANTI SLIP SURFACES FREE SURVEYS Call 07511 801493 Send your local news to The Editor, The Herald, 2 High Street, Hythe SO45 6AH or email: editor@herald-publishing.co.uk MuirCroft Housing says Goodbye to Chief Executive Sta , tenants and Board Members of MuirCro Housing Association (MCHA) have said goodbye to the Association’s Chief Executive, Helen Barber, a er more than een years in the post. In that time Helen has been at the forefront of many innovations and initiatives, providing superior housing for independent living in over 100 units at its two properties Muir House in Dibden Purlieu and Priest Cro in Black eld. In 2021 Helen oversaw celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Association which was founded by Hythe & District Rotary Club in 1971 (now Hythe & Waterside Rotary). Helen said: “I’m so proud to have worked for MuirCroft for nearly 16 years, I have met so many wonderful people and had some great opportunities. A piece of my heart will always be with MuirCroft and what it does for people; by improving our homes so they remain fit for present and future tenants it allows many more people to remain independent for as long as possible.” MCHA Board of Management Chairman, Jean Adams, said Helen would be greatly missed by sta and tenants alike, adding “Helen’s legacy is a thriving housing association with a strong and dedicated team of staff. We are so sorry to see her moving on to pastures new, but wish her every success for the future. She deserves our best wishes and will be sorely missed by us all.” Although leaving MuirCro , Helen will be remaining in the Housing sector, providing housing professional training. Among her many leaving gi s was an annual family pass to Exbury Gardens and an ultimate zip-wire experience. Left to Right: MCHA Board Chairman Jean Adams, Helen Barber Hythe Huddle, the drop in support group for people living with dementia and their carers, organised by Families Matter, meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 2pm to 4pm at Cornerstone URC, Hythe SO45 6BR. Hythe Huddle sessions also provide advice, community and support. eir next meetings are on Wednesday 4th September and Wednesday 2nd October. Refreshments are available, kindly donated by Tesco. For more information call: 023 8020 7623 or email: o ce.fm.hurc@gmail.com Hythe Huddle