Herald - Issue 443

Page 42 • The HERALD • 13th July 2023 v SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES v Health, Beauty &Wellbeing Treatments include: Nail trimmings/filing Reduction of thickened nails Corns/Callus Ingrown toe nails Diabetic Foot Care Mini Foot massage For appointments please call Chloe 07587 071367 Appointments also available at The Waterside Foot Clinic, 177 long lane, Holbury SO45 2PA Chloe’s Foot Care Mobile Foot health practitioner Kit Davison FHP MCFHP MAFHP Qualified Foot Health Practitioner • Corns, Calluses, ingrown toenails, • Athlete’s Foot and thickened toenails. • Toenail and fingernail cutting. Flexible appointments and home visits available. 07752 674591 kdavison@kdfootcare.co.uk http://kdfootcare.co.uk GET BACK TO FEELING YOUR BEST WITH HYTHE & TOTTON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 8 Drummond Court, Prospect Place, Hythe (Opposite Hythe Ferry) 023 8020 7826 81a Rumbridge Street, Totton 023 8086 3612 HEALTHY TIP: HEART HEALTHY BBQ by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK Nothing quite says summer like the smell of a BBQ! is healthy tip is all about how you can turn a regular not-so-healthy BBQ into a avour packed heart healthy feast for the whole family to enjoy. We give you tips on how to increase the bre and reduce the fat content of your usual BBQ spread. Sizzling skewers Skewers are great for BBQ’s, and you can ll them with a rainbow of vegetables to help you hit your vea-day and add some heart-healthy bre to your meal. Peppers, courgette, onion, and tomatoes work well together. e key is to cut your veggies into similar size chunks and if you’re using wooden skewers make sure you soak them before grilling so they don’t burn. Choose fish and chicken When thinking about a BBQ, burgers and sausages usually spring to mind and while these are ne to eat in moderation, there are heart-healthier options to choose. Try grilling salmon wrapped in foil with some lemon for an omega-3 rich lean protein source to pair with your skewers. If you still fancy sausages, choose lean chicken varieties which contain less saturated fat. Add a jacket spud Jacket potatoes are the perfect BBQ accompaniment as you can cook them in advance and then wrap them in foil to pop on the BBQ to warm up. ey pair perfectly with veggie skewers and salmon to create e relationship between hot weather and loss of sleep has long been established. Uncomfortable hot weather can lead to tossing, turning, and plenty of lost sleep – while shorter summer nights mean the body has fewer natural cues to switch o . ere are plenty of ways to ensure the bake doesn’t keep you awake! Hannah Shore, Silentnight Sleep Expert, said: “Sleeping in the heat can be a real nightmare, we are constantly throwing off the duvet, twisting and turning and trying to find the “cool” side of the pillow, all of which affects the quality of the sleep we get. If you have difficulty sleeping during the warmer months, you should consider having a different duvet for summer and winter. Your summer duvet should be a lightweight duvet, and if you’re still too warm to sleep, this can be swapped for a sheet. You should also ensure your bedding is made from breathable fibres. Natural fibres are good at temperature regulating however, some people find these materials a little heavy. If that’s you, opt for polyester, as these will offer you a breathable sleeping environment but will not be as heavy.” Hannah’s 5 top tips for getting a good night’s sleep in warm weather… 1. Use a lightweight summer duvet. 2. Ensure your bedding is made from breathable fibres. 3. Get a mattress that regulates body temperature. 4. Keep curtains and blinds closed during the daytime. 5. Drink lots of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. 5 EXPERT TIPS TO STOP SCORCHING TEMPERATURES RUINING YOUR SLEEP Sleep Expert Hannah Shore Reveals How To Stop Hot Temperatures Keeping You Awake a balanced heart-healthy delicious BBQ meal to enjoy in the garden. To help keep your heart healthy, why not try out some of our healthy recipes from our website: heartresearch. org.uk/heart-research-uk-recipes-2 Would you like to meet up with the Stroke Association and volunteers for friendly peer support, information and advice? If so go along to the Stroke Café at Bethany Gospel Hall, Rollestone Road, Holbury, for a cuppa and a chat! Held on the first Thursday of the month from 2pm to 4pm, there is no need to book but given the current climate please call or email prior to going to double check it is running. For more information contact: yvonne.hobbs@stroke.org. uk or call: 01425 275139. Affected by Stroke?