Herald - Issue 459

v THE HERALD - Your Community Magazine v 20th June 2024 • The HERALD • Page 59 Yours Faithfully... Bespoke Memorial Jewellery made with Love and Respect for you and your loved ones Telephone - 07879 856552 www.newforestmemorialjewellery.com Also find us on Everyone welcome to our Services SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 10.30AM 1st Sunday of the month Communion HAMPTON LANE, BLACKFIELD SO45 1XA You are invited to BETHANY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Rollestone Road, Holbury Every Sunday, 6.20pm for 6.30pm Christian Worship & Teaching 023 8089 2153 Everyone Welcome 24” high from £550 30” high from £675 (Prices inclusive VAT) Installation anywhere in England and Wales Memorials refurbished and inscriptions added Colours and full range of memorials available The next Herald is out on 11th July BUBBLE CHURCH AT ST JOHN’S from the Parish of Hythe You may recall that, back in April, St John’s Church in Hythe launched a brand new service called Bubble Church. Bubble Church is a weekly Sunday service especially for babies, toddlers and young families. It’s a puppet-packed, Jesus-centred, co ee-and-croissantfuelled, 30 minute kids and families adventure. We’re delighted to report that Bubble Church has been a great success! People turn up ten minutes before it starts for co ee and croissants, and then we share in 30 minutes of song, story, puppets, and prayer together. Every week there is a di erent activity inside the Bubble Church bags linked to the Bible story the puppets have acted out. We’ve had everything from dressing up costumes to throwing balls into buckets, making paper streamers to cotton wool sheep. If you’d like to come and join us at Bubble Church then you’d be very welcome. We run every Sunday Bubble Church morning at St John’s Church. e half hour service starts at 9.30am but doors open at 9.15am if you want to come and get a co ee and croissant before it begins. We’d love to see you there! Introducing Abbey United Reformed Church Friends from Abbey United Reformed Church Friends We are very excited to share the details of the launch of Abbey United Reformed Church (URC) Friends. Our church is a hub of the community and many people have connections with us through our church, our buildings and our congregation. ese connections are forged through our outreach into the community; joining us for services, celebrating weddings, baptisms, special events at our church or through activities held in our buildings such as yoga, singing, youth and community groups, attending concerts or events. However, historic buildings need champions who encourage their use, support activities and promote their continued presence in the community. Abbey URC is no exception. It is vital it remains a vibrant part of the future of the Romsey community; Abbey URC Friends is an important link between the church and the town. Like so many churches, annual income scarcely covers the day-to-day costs of running the Church. e year 2023 was particularly challenging, with extensive work needed to the roof of the church; we were pleased when the sca olding nally came down inside the church, just before our Christmas celebrations. is year has continued to be challenging, with maintenance on the organ pipes and refurbishment of the area, a replacement dishwasher and work needed to the Tower and Hall roofs to ensure our buildings can continue to be a vibrant hub for our community. Finding the money to pay for repairs and maintenance of our Grade II Listed Building is becoming increasingly di cult. is is where the Romsey community and the Abbey URC Friends can help. By becoming a friend of Abbey URC, people will help us to continue our work within the Romsey community, as well as preserving our beautiful listed building. Help us to grow our future by joining Abbey URC Friends. Previous generations have ensured our heritage is preserved, now we need to ensure these much-loved buildings continue to be available to our church, and to the wider Romsey community into the future. For full details of Abbey URC Friends, and to download an application form, please visit: abbeyurc.org.uk/ abbey-urc-friends/