Herald - Issue 469

v THE HERALD - YOUR COMMUNITY MAGAZINE v 30th January 2025 • The HERALD • Page 15 Make your dreams come true ‘Bringing people together’ Just Hampshire Introductions A Personal, Caring and Confidential service for people of all ages from 20yrs to 95yrs Gold, Silver or Bronze memberships. Choose your partner from photo-profiles in the comfort of your own home. No computerised matching or listings. One to ones, Social events and more. Call Mel today on 07712102150 Or visit our website www.justintroductionsgroup.co.uk All joinery and carpentry requirements undertaken • Bespoke wooden windows, doors and staircases • PVCu windows and doors fitted • Decking, pergolas and out buildings • Custom made wardrobes and cupboards • Fencing and gates Contact us for advice and quotes Tel 023 8066 8021• Mobile 07467 594993 fillisjoinery@outlook.com Professional quality joinery for over 25 years To advertise your business in The Herald, contact Sue on 023 8084 0815 or email: sjones@herald-publishing.co.uk benefactor to HPHA since work on the pier railway had commenced in 2018. e ferry service had been suspended for safety reasons surrounding the pier head pontoon in late August. HPHA took advantage of the restriction in tra c to undertake a number of smaller tasks. In September the Perspex canopy roo ng was replaced and at the same time, the original pillar at the entrance to the pier decking was given a “makeover”. The new station platform was completed at the end of September, in time for its o cial opening by His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. Once again, HPHA chairman Anthony Smith conducted the proceedings inviting the Duke to cut a ribbon. e Duke subsequently toured the workshop and rode the train to the pier head and back, following in the footsteps of his grandfather King George VI in 1944. HPHA will continue with its e orts to protect and restore the pier, its railway and associated buildings as it enters 2025. However, the Association will need further donations to undertake any further major work, having made a considerable nancial outlay in 2024. Donations can be made via its website www.hythepierha.org.uk Continued from page 14 HPHA – A Review of 2024 Rock the Pier (Credit: HPHA) Charity Film Show: ‘The Battle of Netley Marsh and the Origins of Wessex’ A charity lm showing of ‘ e Battle of Netley Marsh and the Origins of Wessex’ is taking place on Wednesday 5th March, 7.30pm at Hanger Farm Arts Centre, Aikman Lane, West Totton, SO40 8FT. Tickets range from £5 - £10, raising money for St Matthew’s Netley Marsh Church Floor Restoration Appeal. Did you know Netley Marsh was named a er a British King who was slain in a great battle in AD 508? is captivating documentary, with vivid historical re-enactments, aims to bring this little known story to a wider audience. It brings to life the events recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, of a defeated British King called Natanleod and of the conquests by Cerdic, who became the rst king of the West Saxons (Wessex). ese events are traditionally said to have happened locally, in named places in and around southern Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. e lm also delves into the larger context of the Anglo-Saxon invasion, exploring its dominance over the indigenous Britons, as well as current academic views on the history of the period and the Chronicle’s record of it. If you are a resident of West Totton and are curious about the history of where you live, there will also be a short introductory lm highlighting some of the historic sites close by to Hanger Farm. It will also show how the area looked in the 1980’s as it changed from elds to residential housing. By attending, you’ll also be supporting a good cause. All proceeds from the lm show will go toward the St Matthew’s Netley Marsh Church Floor Restoration Appeal. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with our local history and give back to the community. Tickets are available from: www.hangerfarm.co.uk/ whats-on/the-battle-ofnetley-marsh-and-theorigins-of-wessex/ An image from the film